The cost of doing business

The nature of renting a property necessarily carries with it some frustration when it comes to damage. As much as we would all like to believe that every guest will treat your property with the same care and respect that you do, this is not the case. As your vacation rental manager, SCMR uses various techniques to filter out as many of the disrespectful guests as possible. Some of those processes include a minimum age requirement for our guests, a signed rental agreement and holding credit cards on file for violations of our policies. Despite our best efforts, it is impossible to filter out all “problem” guests. Similarly, some guests simply have a bad day and cause some form of accidental damage. When damage is obvious, severe, and clearly intentional it is our policy to hold guests accountable by requesting compensation. This does not always work out though. Some guests simply claim they did not cause the damage or they refuse to pay. In these cases the financial repercussions are borne by you because this is a known risk of renting your property.

SCMR does not want these things to happen and we work daily to protect your property from these events. None-the-less they do happen from time to time. We asked ourselves if there was a way to further insulate our clients from these issues. Here is what we came up with.

SCMR Damage Protection Costs & Benefits

$14 per reservation for $3,000 in annual reimbursement coverage.

$25 per reservation for $6,000 in annual reimbursement coverage.

$40 per reservation for $8,000 in annual reimbursement coverage

Deductible $199 per item

Covered Items vs Not Covered Items

Accidental damage to your home furnishings and appliances are covered. Each item is considered a separate claim.

Well-maintained, durable items in good working condition that are damaged as a result of a guest’s actions are covered. The Damage Protection Program is not a guarantee that all things that break or stop working will be covered.

For illustrative purposes, here are several common scenarios that might occur: 

If a guest scratches your 2 year old fridge, then the damage protection will cover the repair to the fridge or compensate you for the diminished value of the fridge. But if a guest uses a 10 year old fridge and a shelf cracks, then the cost of replacement or repair is not covered as part of the Damage Protection Program because this situation is considered normal wear and tear.

If a rug is dirty from regular foot traffic, then will not be replaced as part of our Damage Protection Program. But if a guest spills a bottle of red wine on a rug, then the Damage Protection Program does apply.

If a guest sits down on an inexpensive chair and a leg breaks off, the quality and sturdiness of the chair will be examined. If it appears that the damage is because the chair was poorly constructed, then the damage protection will not apply. If a guest broke a chair into multiple pieces or clearly abused the chair, then the Damage Protection Program will apply.

If a guest bends the sleeper sofa frame, then it is covered by the Damage Protection Program, but if the sleeper sofa mechanism has worn out after heavy usage, then it is not covered. 

If a guest breaks your wooden blinds by leaning ski equipment against it, then the repair or replacement is covered. However, if the cord to the blinds is frayed and snaps because of years of usage or the blinds are extremely fragile by design, then this will not be covered.

If a TV screen is smashed because a guest bumped into the TV, then the Damage Protection Program will apply. If the TV falls off the wall because it was not securely hung by the installer, then the damage protection will not apply. 

 The Damage Protection Program does not apply to things like fragile antique dining tables, chairs, or custom furniture. These are items we highly recommend removing from a home as they are not well suited for a rental environment. Similarly, inexpensive plastic seating and furniture or old, worn, visibly weak or rusted items are not covered. This program is specifically targeted at mid-grade furniture and appliances that are not near the end of their useful lifespan. You should feel comfortable having a $4000 couch or table, but not a $15,000 couch or table. 

Normal wear and tear items, such as faded paint or worn carpet from normal foot traffic or any furniture item or appliance more than 10 years old are not covered. Issues such as missing items or items that stop working for unknown reasons are not covered by this program.

How To Make A Claim

This is the best part of all. Simply email your trusted management company at​ and describe the damage (photos are helpful). We will quickly investigate the issue and begin the repair or replacement process. If you prefer a cash payout for the damaged item we will pay, after subtracting the deductible, the lesser of the cost to repair or replace the item or 75% of the estimated value of the item when it was new. This amount shall be capped at (no more than) the annual damage protection limit.